Newton TVET Research Institute LLC

Esteemed Collaboration Partner 

Welcome. Thank You for visiting us. 

Our mission on education and corporate training began in December 2005 in the United States. Today, we continue to offer learners the platform to acquire knowledge and certification. Newton TVET Research Institute LLC is registered in Ohio, USA. Company file number: 5333999.

Vision & Mission 
Newton TVET is committed to collaborate with learning partners to develop programs and courses that are contemporary and relevant to national economy, development, and progress. We endeavor to provide a productive platform for our stakeholders in sharing experience and knowledge in the technology and vocational education and training. 

Newton TVET primary objective
Collaborate with learning partners to develop their TVET programs and courses. The key word is: Verification of programs, courses, system, and delivery process. We adopt the concepts of ISO 9001 (Quality Management System) and ISO 29990 (Learning Services for Non-Formal Education and Training). We focus on program curriculum and course syllabus; effective learning services and management systems for high-quality education and training. We endeavor to enhance the requirements and satisfaction of the learners, trainers, and other personnel involved in the delivery system. 

We look forward to collaborate with you to achieve your corporate mission and objectives. 

Thank You and Regards. 

Dr Roger Yap EdD MSc 
Chief Executive Officer